Vandana Sheth in Print

Here is a selection of my print media appearances.

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5 Nutrients Your Baby Needs

So much growth, so little time! All babies need plenty of nutrients to promote healthy growth in the first year of life (and beyond!)—here are five of them.

Vitamin B12: Deficiency & Supplements

Vitamin B12 is crucial to the human body, which needs it to produce new DNA, red blood cells, proteins, hormones and lipids (fats). Vitamin B12 is also key to the health of nerves.

Can Probiotics Help Your Diabetes?

You may have heard a lot of buzz in the past few years about probiotics. Probiotics are a kind of bacteria found in our gut that can help with digestion.

Beat Back Jet Lag

Whether you’re traveling for fun or to get stuff done, a change in time zones and schedules can make it challenging to keep up your energy level. The following tips…

Empowering clients to eat well and develop a healthy relationship with foods they love.