Vandana Sheth in Print

Here is a selection of my print media appearances.

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9 food ideas to help you sleep well

Did you know that what you eat can affect your sleep? That’s right — there are foods that can help us enjoy a blissful night’s rest, while other foods and eating habits can prevent us from getting our needed zzz’s.

Can People With Diabetes Have Chocolate?

Many of my clients are craving sweets and often feel guilty if they indulge. During our conversations, they are pleasantly surprised when they hear the good news that they can manage their blood sugars and enjoy chocolate.

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

Protein is a nutrient found in many types of foods. It is vital for life. Anytime your body is growing or repairing itself, protein is needed.

Empowering clients to eat well and develop a healthy relationship with foods they love.