Controlling the disease as early in pregnancy as possible will benefit the health of mother and baby in years to come.
Have Diabetes But Want an Orange? Here’s How to Make That Work
Not only do sweet, juicy oranges taste good, but they also offer a range of health benefits — high in fiber and vitamin C, void of salt and fat, Department of Agriculture (USDA) according to the U.S. . But they have some sugar. So, if you have type 2 diabetes, should you eat or avoid this marvel?
10 Superfood Swaps for Picky Eaters
A food can have out-of-this-world health benefits, but that doesn’t always mean it tastes good.
Let’s Get Ready For the Big Day!
What is it? Alright my bridal babes! We know how stressful planning a wedding can be. We also know that you want to get in the best shape possible before your big day.
If you’re pushing hard in the gym and you still feel like your body is not responding to training, you might be eating too many carbs.
These were taken from excepts of Vandana’s latest book, My Indian Table: Quick & Tasty Vegetarian Recipes with a new original pistachio beverage recipe.
Burn Fat & Get Ripped with Chia Seeds
Add this superfood to your diet to shred fat and build muscle.
Top 10 Supplements for Vegans and Vegetarians
Some vegans are able to eat a balanced diet—consisting of whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts, as well as vegetables, fruits, and unsaturated fats but others have dietary deficiencies,
Holiday Foods From Around the World
Encourage clients to travel the globe in their kitchens during this festive season.
The must have snacks to pack for Holiday Travel
Whether you’re hitting the road or taking to the skies, packing snacks when you travel is key for keeping hunger at bay.
10 Holiday Food Gifts RDs are giving this holiday season
Spoiling for gift ideas? Everybody eats, and these suggestions come with the bonus of good health — the gift that keeps on giving.
11 Muscle-Building Vegan Recipes
There are plenty of protein-rich vegan-approved foods that, when prepared correctly, are just as delicious as any juicy steak or cheese omelet.