Struggling with all-or-nothing thinking? Learn two powerful mindset shifts that make consistency effortless and keep you on track for success.
How to ‘Future-Proof’ Your Motivation
Struggling to stay motivated? Vandana Sheth provides insight on how to build habits that make consistency effortless—no willpower required. Try these strategies to keep moving forward.
The Boundary-Setting Secret to Better Health
Tired of feeling drained? Learn the art of saying no and setting boundaries to protect your time, energy, and health. Discover ways to create space for what truly matters.
9 Easy Morning Habits to Boost Your Energy
1. Don’t hit the snooze button. Dozing for a few extra minutes can actually make you feel more tired and less focused during the day because it short-circuits your ability to get a full sleep cycle. 2. Boost your energy by drinking a big glass of water. Being even a...
Healthy Habits Quiz Inside
Raise your hand if you love a “how am I doing?” quiz. (I know I love them!) I’ve got a little fitness & health self-audit for you today to help keep you on track with your healthy habits. This can be a good self-check to see if you need to double down on your...
The Simplest Thing You Can Do for Your Health
Are you guilty of complexity bias? What would living a healthy lifestyle look like if it were easy? Fact: Most of us LOVE to make things complicated. There’s even a term for it: “complexity bias.” Complexity bias is when you decide to make a change in almost any area...
The Number 1 Hack to Make Big Gains
Happy 1st of July and 1st day of the second half of 2022! I’ve got some great info for you today that I wanted to share ASAP because it can make a huge difference in your results. Every few days, someone will ask me what I think about some trendy fitness or wellness...
Controversial (Open Up)
Controversy alert! I’m going to say something you won’t hear from a lot of coaches. I hope it gets you fired up – especially if you’ve been struggling. I know you’re busy juggling a ton of day-to-day responsibilities … And at the same time, your health and wellness...
Strengthening Your Immune System
How are you doing today? I’ve got a hot topic for you in this newsletter. And it has gotten more attention over the past couple of years. It’s your immune system, and here’s why I think it needs more attention. Why Your Immune System Is So Important Your immune system...
The Number 1 Reason People Can’t Sleep
I’ve got a little bonus challenge for you today that can play a surprising role in your results … and (even better) help you feel better. Here it is: Take a few minutes today to think about your STRESS MANAGEMENT plan. Everyone should have one. It’s one of the big...
The Real Cause of Your Cravings
Just popping in with a little check-in! How are you doing today? How did you sleep last night … have you gotten in any workouts this week … are you focusing on whole foods … and how is your mood? Are you having 'one of those days'? When just one of those things is out...