Tons of women find that a high-protein diet is the ticket to short-term weight loss.
9 food ideas to help you sleep well
Did you know that what you eat can affect your sleep? That’s right — there are foods that can help us enjoy a blissful night’s rest, while other foods and eating habits can prevent us from getting our needed zzz’s.
What Is Plant-Based Protein and How to Add More to Your Diet
The plant-based food trend shows no signs of slowing down. By 2027, plant-based protein sales in the United States are projected to rake in 17 million dollars, more than triple today’s revenues, according to a report by Research and Markets.
New research shows frequent takeout could be shortnening your lifespan
Frequently ordering takeout or dining out at a restaurant increases your risk of dying from any cause by nearly 50%.
New Research Shows Frequent Takeout Could Be Shortening Your Lifespan
While dining out is common, meals prepared at home are typically more nutritious than those prepared outside the home. Still, there are ways to make food prepared away from home more nutritious.
13 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat a Vegan Diet
How to eat a plant-based diet so you reap all the health benefits (and avoid potential downsides) of a vegan diet.
Plant-Based Diet Tied to Lower Stroke Risk, But Only if You Stick to Healthy Foods
Cutting meat out of your diet won’t necessarily make you less likely to have a stroke if your vegetarian meals usually include sugary drinks, white bread, french fries, and a generous serving of dessert, a new study suggests.
31 Foods for Diabetics That Help Keep Blood Sugar Under Control
For people with diabetes, keeping close tabs on their blood-sugar levels is essential, and that means keeping close tabs on their diet.
10 Small Changes to Eat Healthier Forever
Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for People with Diabetes?
Can People With Diabetes Have Chocolate?
Many of my clients are craving sweets and often feel guilty if they indulge. During our conversations, they are pleasantly surprised when they hear the good news that they can manage their blood sugars and enjoy chocolate.
What Can I Eat If I Have Type 2 Diabetes?
Millions—in fact, about 31 to 32 million—of Americans have type 2 diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
18 R.D.s Share Their Absolute Favorite Cultural Foods
Bring on the comfort food.