Did you know that what you eat can affect your sleep? That’s right — there are foods that can help us enjoy a blissful night’s rest, while other foods and eating habits can prevent us from getting our needed zzz’s.
New Research Shows Frequent Takeout Could Be Shortening Your Lifespan
While dining out is common, meals prepared at home are typically more nutritious than those prepared outside the home. Still, there are ways to make food prepared away from home more nutritious.
31 Foods for Diabetics That Help Keep Blood Sugar Under Control
For people with diabetes, keeping close tabs on their blood-sugar levels is essential, and that means keeping close tabs on their diet.
One-Size-Fits-All Eating Plans Don’t Work—Learn to Personalize Your Plate
A dietitian’s goal is to help you feel your best. Some dietitians work with particular ages and stages, such as in pediatrics, pregnancy, or with older adults, to promote wellness and help prevent illness.
The surprising truth about gluten and weight loss
Gluten-free pastas. Gluten-free cookies. Hell, now you’ve got gluten-free restaurants lining the blocks in every major U.S. city.
Low-Fat Vegan Diet Is Better Than Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss, Study Suggests
To lose weight, eliminating all animal products may be your best bet, a new study suggests. But that doesn’t mean the Mediterranean diet has no merits.
Your Guide to Intuitive Eating: The Benefits and How to Do It
Intuitive eating, a non-diet approach to nutrition, may help you learn to interact positively with food while maintaining a healthy weight, without stress or food guilt.
Is Coconut Liquid Aminos a healthy soy sauce substitute
Your sushi, stir fries, and veggie fried rice all got a lot better for your waistline.
7 Smart Tips for Successful Diabetes Weight Loss
Eating well and exercising regularly are the keys to weight loss when you’re living with type 2 diabetes, but building these habits can be challenging. Use these strategies to jump-start your journey to a healthy weight.
10 Great Cookbooks for Anyone on a Plant-Based Diet
People who eat plant-based diets face a lower risk of health conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Get started today by taking advantage of one of these outstanding cookbooks.
Could Eating Flavonoid-Rich Foods Lower Cancer, Heart Disease and Obesity Rates?
Each serving of grapefruit, apples, strawberries, kale and broccoli — as well as chocolate and maybe even an occasional glass of red wine — could help reduce your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
8 Ways to Eat Healthy During the Summer
Here’s what you can do to maintain a healthy diet as weather warms up and beyond.