High blood pressure (or hypertension) amongst adults is frighteningly common. In the USA, almost half of all adults have high blood pressure, with the condition acting as a primary or contributing cause of death for almost a half-million people in 2018, according to the CDC.
Foods that have more carbs than you realized
When it comes to losing weight, the spotlight has been firmly fixed on avoiding carbs for some time. With the boom of low-carb diets, like the keto diet, it feels as though everyone’s keeping an eye on how many carbs they eat.
Is it Healthy to eat a salad for breakfast?
There are some foods that are so versatile, they can be eaten anytime of the day, like cold pizza for breakfast or bacon and eggs for dinner.
The Real Reason You’re Craving Chocolate All The Time
But there’s a big difference between simply wanting chocolate and craving chocolate, especially if you’re a woman.